Josiah was a very good car traveler. We was pretty content to play with toys, whenever he wasn't sleeping. The elevation changes did cause him to wake up from naps, but all in all it could have been a lot worse!
We stopped for a picnic lunch on the way out. Here Zachary and Josiah get a little freedom from their car seats!
We spent the night in Colorado Springs at a hotel with a pool. This was Josiah's first time in a real pool. He seemed to be unaffected by it... neither excited or upset. That's our boy...
Besides spending a lot of time with Jeff's family and exploring Telluride and the surrounding area, one of my favorite moments was watching Josiah and his cousin Simon interact. Josiah and Simon shared Simon's room while we were their. They were pretty much on the same schedule so they got some great play time in the morning before the big kids got up.
One morning, Simon kept taking Josiah's pacifer out of his mouth. Finally Josiah fought back and they swapped pacifers and immediately stuck each other in their own mouths. Oh what will Christmas be like when these two and their third amigo Zachary are all mobile!!!
We had fun riding the gondola from Nana and Pop-Pops hotel room in Moutain Village down into the town of Telluride.
One evening Jeff and I took Josiah on his first hike. We took an easy path through some beautiful aspen trees... I was in awe! Josiah stayed awake the whole time and just took it all in.
I think Aspens are some of the most beautiful trees God created. They were incredible and I can't even imagine what they would be like in the fall.
All the cousins together again!
Finally we headed home... even though Josiah had a very chapped chin he was pretty content on the way home, as long as he had some puffs to munch on. Thanks goodness for puffs. Pop-pop thought Josiah might turn into a puff, fortunately he didn't.
This was my favorite aspen photo I took... ahhhh! Can't wait to go back! Thanks Shane, Laura, and Simon for sharing your home with us!